New assessment forecasts and assessment insights to support municipal planning
We recently delivered customized reports to municipalities, which offer important information for our partners when managing yearly planning and budgeting activities. | |
The Revised Preliminary New Assessment Forecast identifies $40.9 billion in anticipated growth for this year based on expected new construction, additions, and renovations across Ontario. This revised forecast shows an increase | | | |
over the Preliminary New Assessment Forecast that we shared in October 2022, which projected over $38.5 billion in growth for 2023.
We understand that new assessment is a critical source of revenue for municipalities. That is why we are always fine-tuning our processes and exploring new ways to provide timely information to our municipal partners. For example, our collaboration with municipalities to source building permits and plans through digital submissions has been instrumental in helping us capture new assessment sooner. To learn more about your New Assessment Forecast, please contact your MPAC Account Manager. Reports can also be accessed through Municipal Connect. | |
Farm Tax Incentive Program Overview | |
Join the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), Agricorp and MPAC for an overview of the Farm Tax Incentive Program, including the program’s administration and the process for municipalities from application through approval. The session will also include a discussion on consolidation and severance, TIAs, and TIYs. There will be time for questions.
Date: Thursday, March 9, 2023 Time: 1 – 2 p.m. EST | |
MPAC 101 – Our Role in the Property Tax and Assessment System | |
If you are new to the municipal sector or simply want to learn more about the property assessment and tax system in Ontario, then this webinar is for you. Join MPAC's subject matter experts Anne Haines, Regional Manager, Southwestern Ontario, and Jon Hebden, Regional Manager, Golden Horseshoe, in partnership with Theresa Parzei, Senior Economist, Property Tax Policy Unit, Ministry of Finance, for an overview of Ontario’s property tax and assessment system, including MPAC’s role, the three approaches to valuation, and how assessment concerns are resolved. The relationship between property values and taxes, as well as programs and tools for managing reassessment changes, will also be shared. As always, there will be time for questions following the presentation.
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2023 Time: 1 – 2 p.m. EDT | |
Members of our Municipal and Stakeholder Relations team enjoyed connecting with industry leaders at this year’s Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO) conference from February 7 to 9 in Toronto. Regional Managers Natasha Dawood and Michelle Lindquist welcomed participants to our booth to answer questions about MPAC, learn more about how we support municipalities and their evolving needs, and share organizational highlights and projects. | |
Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Regional Managers Natasha Dawood and Michelle Lindquist welcome EDCO participants at the MPAC booth. | |
Next up, you can visit us at the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA) conference in London from April 16 to 19 or find us at the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA) conference in Thunder Bay, from | |
In Conversation with Our Municipalities In our effort to support our municipal partners, MPAC’s Municipal and Stakeholder Relations team in Zone 3 has been busy holding elected official engagement sessions since the October 2022 Municipal Elections.
From York Region to Hastings County, over 26 municipalities have participated in MPAC orientation meetings, including some individual one-on-one information sessions with elected officials, full council delegations, and other group meetings. “Meeting with our new and re-elected officials allows us to share more information about MPAC, our work, and the products and services we provide to municipalities,” says Natasha Dawood, MPAC Regional Manager. “It also gives us a direct line to learn more about what’s most important to our partners, which is very helpful when working together to support their priorities and strengthen relationships.” These sessions provide a platform for open dialogue and address topics such as the next Assessment Update, the relationship between assessment and taxation, Bill 23 and its relationship to future growth, and our property inspection process. The meetings are also an opportunity to share MPAC’s municipal toolkit and overview how we are working to enhance the property owner experience with innovative programs such as AboutMyProperty. If you are interested in having MPAC lead an information session for your Council, we invite you to contact your Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Account Manager to schedule a meeting or to learn more. | |
On January 27, MPAC Regional Manager Natasha Dawood and Account Manager Michelle D'Souza met with Town of Aurora Mayor, Tom Mrakas. | |
We invite you to get to know us! Every municipality has their own dedicated account management team at MPAC. They are the best resource for municipal staff and elected officials should your municipality have any questions related to MPAC and our work. Reach out to your local Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Account Manager to learn more. | | |