2022 Enumeration Update MPAC has successfully delivered all legislated enumeration deliverables to support the October 2022 Municipal and School Board elections. The Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) were delivered before the August 2 and 22 deadlines, based on the preferred date choice of each municipality or school board. Following this milestone, MPAC delivered Exceptions files on September 8, to support current data for municipal voters’ lists. | |
Property Assessment and Taxes - Municipal Toolkit MPAC has created a digital toolkit to support municipal staff and elected officials as they provide information and support to property taxpayers to educate them about the relationship between property assessment and taxation. | | | |
In this new toolkit, you will find the following:
- MPAC’s new video on How Property Taxes are calculated
- Information on MPAC’s Myth vs Fact education campaign related to the relationship between property assessment and taxation
- Key Messages And Frequently Asked Questions to share with your customer service and frontline staff. This useful information is designed to offer support in responding to inquiries received from property owners.
- Shareable content to post on your website, and include in newsletters and social media channels.
The full toolkit is available on mpac.ca.
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Events Round-up
Following many great discussions at the August AMO Annual Conference, MPAC was pleased to continue our fall outreach in September with update sessions and an exhibit presence at the Ontario Municipal Tax and Revenue Association (OMTRA) conference and the Municipal Finance Officers Association (MFOA) Conference. | | | |
We were also pleased to be present at the Ontario East Municipal Conference for some great discussions with municipal leaders. In October we look forward to attending the Ontario Municipal Administrator’s Association Conference.
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VoterLookUp in Central Ontario
With less than one month left until the 2022 Municipal Election, we know that municipalities are continuing to work hard on their voters’ lists. | | | |
With all MPAC enumeration deliverables out the door, we want to acknowledge and thank our municipal partners for their efforts to help promote the VoterLookUp platform. We saw some creative examples of partner advertising, including a variety of print, digital and physical signage promotion across the province.
The City of Kawartha Lakes for example, leveraged all advertising platforms available, and saw over 6,000 searches in their database. This included print ads in the local paper, large display boards in 13 different communities, as well as a physical presence at local events, such as Farmers Markets, to host over 500 face-to-face conversations.
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In case you missed it – Property Tax and Assessment Webinar | |
On September 19, 2022, MPAC hosted a Municipal Webinar focused on our role in the property tax and assessment system, current areas of focus and some operational highlights. Hosted by Carmelo Lipsi, Vice-President and COO, and Mary Dawson-Cole, Director of Municipal and Stakeholder Relations, this event echoed a number of key messages and updates that were delivered as part of our annual MPAC update at the August 2022 AMO Conference. As part of his remarks, Carmelo Lipsi confirmed that MPAC's Board of Directors again approved a total provincial levy of 0% for 2023.
There were over 200 municipal representatives in attendance at the webinar and the Q+A session that followed. We thank municipal staff for taking time out of their days to join us for these important MPAC updates, and so we can hear what’s on your mind. The full recording is available on mpac.ca.
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View the schedule of upcoming municipal webinars on mpac.ca and view recordings of all past webinars on our YouTube channel. | |
As COVID-19 continues to impact communities across Ontario, we continue to be available to take your calls and assist you online. Our offices are open to the public by appointment only. To arrange an appointment, please contact us. | | |