We have nearly completed our work to capture new assessment for the 2023 roll and are pleased to share that we have added more than $37 billion in new assessment province-wide.
Our focus will now shift to preparing for year-end municipal products and the distribution of more than 800,000 Property Assessment Notices that reflect changes to property ownership, classification or value across Ontario this year.
Notices will be mailed from November 14 to 23. Each notice indicates why the property owner is receiving it and includes an insert to help them better understand their notice and assessed value. The insert also includes a QR code that links to mpac.ca for more information.
To support property owners, we ask that you direct anyone with questions about their Property Assessment Notice to mpac.ca/PAN.
Here is a summary of activities and key dates through the rest of 2022:
October 28
MPAC Deliverables: Preliminary 2023 New Assessment Forecast posted to My Products
Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators
November 7
MPAC Deliverables: Final 2022 Control Totals
Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators
November 14-23
MPAC Deliverables: More than 800,000 Property Assessment Notices mailed
Municipal Audience: For more details, please check your local delivery schedule on the My Products Portal of Municipal Connect
Week of November 28
MPAC Deliverables: Municipal Change Profile (MCP) available in the My Products Portal of Municipal Connect
Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators
Week of November 28
MPAC Deliverables: Year-end Tax File posted to My Products
Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators
Week of December 5
MPAC Deliverables: Municipal Connect available for the 2023 Tax Year
Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators
Week of December 12
MPAC Deliverables: 2023 Municipal Levy letter mailed
Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators for all MPAC Billing Partners (single- and upper-tier municipalities)
Week of December 12
MPAC Deliverables: 2022 Municipal Partnerships Report and Municipal Assessment Change Summary
Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators
On/before December 13
MPAC Deliverables: Assessment Roll for 2023 taxation delivered
Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators / Taxing Authorities
Week of December 19
MPAC Deliverables: First Quarter 2023 Levy invoice mailed
Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators for all Billing Partners