In our constant effort to elevate the property owner experience, we are introducing new Contact Us and Inspection Notices for our interactions with property owners.
The new notices help ensure we have
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up-to-date property information and are one of the ways we continue to provide accurate assessed values and prioritize capturing new assessment for municipalities.The notices reflect feedback from property owners and have the same look and feel as other MPAC notices. They now include key elements such as: - Why the property owner is receiving the notice.
- What the next steps are for the property owner.
- What happens if the property owner does not respond.
- Where to go for more information.
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Update from Mary Dawson-Cole, Director, Municipal and Stakeholder Relations | |
Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed a wonderful holiday season. On behalf of MPAC’s entire Municipal and Stakeholder Relations team, we’re looking forward to continuing our work in elevating the municipal and property owner experience. We have many exciting milestones ahead and we look forward to reaching them, together.
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PACN schedule enhancement for 2023 | |
We are pleased to announce there will be one extra mailing of Property Assessment Change Notices (PACNs) in April 2023, bringing the total number of PACN extracts to eight, up from seven in 2022. This change aligns with our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan and our commitment to enhancing the property owner experience by providing owners with more timely information. Sincere thanks to our Municipal Liaison Group members for reviewing the 2023 schedule enhancement during our December meeting. You can access the production schedule in Municipal Connect. | |
Changes to the Farm Forestry Exemption | |
Effective January 1, 2023, the provincial government increased the Farm Forestry Exemption (FFE) acreage cap for farm woodlots from 20 to 30 acres to keep pace with the growth of farm sizes. As a result of this change, eligible farm properties may require changes to classification or tax liability.
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FFE is a tax exemption designed to protect wooded areas. Farmers with farm property or farm property holdings with wooded areas may qualify for the exemption. Previously, the tax exemption applied to one acre of forested land for every 10 acres of farmland and could not exceed 20 acres in any one municipality.
Properties that will have an increase to their eligible FFE acreage will receive a Special Amended Notice (SAN) in spring 2023. All properties that have an FFE will receive a Property Assessment Notice (PAN) later in 2023 to show the FFE value and exemption for the 2024 tax year.
Municipalities will see the value of the FFE as part of their assessment base on Municipal Connect in early 2023 and reflected on the 2024 assessment roll. MPAC is implementing changes to modernize the entire process and provide transparency to municipalities and property owners. We will continue to offer updates and additional information on our progress. If you have any questions, please contact your Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Account Manager.
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In case you missed it: Farm Forestry Exemption
If the properties within your municipality include farmland with wooded areas, then you will likely want to know more about changes to the Farm Forestry Exemption. Watch the recording of our January 26 webinar, when subject matter experts explained the exemption, eligibility criteria, how MPAC is implementing the legislative changes that occurred, and how municipalities may be affected.
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As COVID-19 continues to impact communities across Ontario, we continue to be available to take your calls and assist you online. Our offices are open to the public by appointment only. To arrange an appointment, please contact us. | | |